Survey Winner

by Tailored Podcast on November 28, 2005

Thanks to everyone who took the survey after the first podcast. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Winner of the Mini iPod

The winner of the Mini iPod for taking the survey is David Harris.

Congratulations to David – hope you enjoy the iPod!



{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Michael Phipps November 28, 2005 at 11:07 am

Congratulations David! I hope you enjoy your iPod. I know I would have! 😉


Gabriel November 29, 2005 at 6:49 pm

Just as I wanted to take part in the survey, the 2nd podcast appeared in my iTunes-Player, so I’m posting my suggestion here:

I enjoyed the show(s), but you definitely “need” a jingle for the podcast which you can play at each start of the show, which also builds a bit of “brand recognition” (just a tiny bit of catchy music with a voice saying “Welcome the the Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix”)…

In my opinion it’s also a good idea to use real-life-examples (resort website, landscaping marketing) to demonstrate the key points. A style that I’m familiar with as a regular reader of your blog(s).

Congrats to David, next time I’ll be in timely, so keep on putting out beautiful prices Brendon! 😉

ps: The audio of the 2nd podcast seems to be a bit overdriven.


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