#18 Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix – March 31, 2006 – Tips on Lunch With Clients

by Tailored Podcast on March 31, 2006

There are 2 ways to listen:

1. Use the player above to have the audio stream in now (it’s the one that says BS-Biz-Mix-2006-03-31)
2. Download the mp3 file below to play later, download to your mp3 player, etc

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 18

Show Notes:

Welcome to Friday’s show of the new 3 times a week release (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) of the Business Mix.

We hope that you are enjoying the one topic shows, and we would appreciate any feedback you have on how it is working for you.

Today’s topic is….

Tips on Lunch With Clients

We talk about why wining and dining with clients is a great way to develop client relationships, and can be great fun!

Stay tuned for Monday’s show where we talk about public relations for small business, and how the Golden Palace Casino bought a grilled cheese sandwich for $28 000 USD, and got their money’s worth.

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 18



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