#35 Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix – 15 May ’06 – Secrets of a Successful Web Development Business

by Tailored Podcast on May 15, 2006

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Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 35

Show Notes:

Making Secrets of a Successful Web Development Business

Today’s Podcast is an interview with Billy Kirkley, a Brisbane web developer, on how he built his business up from a one man show to himself and 9 employees in just 11 months.

The show is longer today – about half an hour, because Tina had trouble deciding on what to edit out as Billy had so many great tips that web developers and small business owners might find useful. This is also the reason we are putting it up today instead of Friday – sorry about that, but we are sure you will enjoy the show anyway.

Resources from the Show

Billy’s Top 2 Things to Do Today that Will Help You Build Your Business:

  1. Pick up the phone and call 20 people you would like to do business with. Tell them why, and why you are better than the other companies out there offering similar services.
  2. Learn to outsource work. Your time may be more valuable spent with clients and managing your business than sitting in front of a computer doing the technical work of your business. If you can learn to leverage other people’s time instead of just your own and those of your permanent employees, you are in a far better position to pick up more clients and grow your business.

3 Websites to Visit:

  • Monster Template have some great templates for web developers. Even if you don’t want to buy them, it’s a great place for design ideas.
  • SEO Black Hat. A blog on some of the more dubious SEO (search engine optimization) techniques. Though a lot of the techniques on this site are not recommended, it’s a great resource for the latest news and gossip
    on search engine technology.
  • SEO Guy’s tutorial has some great techniques on search engine optimization, sure to give both the novice and intermediate web developer and edge on the competition.

And, of course, Billy Kirkley’s Brisbane Web Design Web Site.

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 35



{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Mike Cartmel May 15, 2006 at 5:38 pm

That was a great interview with Billy Kirkley. Two things he said really surprised me as they ran contrary to what I’d believed to be the case.

1. Phone clients up and tell them their site is crap. (I’m sure he doesn’t say crap but I got the point) – I thought that this was not meant to be a good idea as you are telling the client that their judgement is crap.

2. Cost the site based on how long it will take to do – I’d thought that the thinking was to cost sites based on worth to the client..

As Billy obviously knows what he is doing it may be time to re-think my strategy on these points!

Once again, excellent interview.


Tailored May 15, 2006 at 10:59 pm

Thanks Mike

Yep, although Billy is a very straight up guy I think he tones it down a fraction for clients.

There are lots of different pricing strategies – this one works for Billy.

I loved Billy’s advice – just pick up the phone and tell people you have a (better) solution for them. Simple and effective stuff.



Fraser May 16, 2006 at 6:54 pm

Really enjoyed the podcast there is some great information in there, thanks!

I would love to hear a bit more advice on outsourcing, recently I have been turning away work as I can’t figure out how to control the outsourcing and how to run the job when I’m not doing the development.


Billy Kirkley May 19, 2006 at 2:34 pm

Hi Fraser,

To start with the best way to get into outsourcing is to find a web design firm that will ghost write for you. This will allow you to learn the process of dealing with a large job using the experience of someone that has done it a few times before. It’s also a quick way to see how a team of developers works. A good rule of thumb is to charge a 20% project managment fee on top of what the web design firm is charging you.

Normally you should get the job done for 20% less than the design firm would do if they were dealing with the client … because they don’t have to deal with the client. So donlt worry about being 20% more expensive than everyone else … I hope that is clear

I have 3 designers that I do this with and they are very happy to spend the time with clients while my staff are kept busy building sites.

Clients love dealing with a project person that not only knows about programming but also knows how to project manage. That will give you the cutting edge over allot of the project managers that just know how to sell but have no idea baout what they have just sold.

I hope that helps

Billy Kirkley


Fraser May 25, 2006 at 5:40 pm

Thanks Billy, I’ll give this a try.


Gabriel Goldenberg September 25, 2007 at 3:00 pm

Fascinating points discussed above. I’m going to download this an listen to it tomorrow afternoon. BTW, Brendon, you should have SitePoint include the SEO letter you send to prospects in the Kit. I don’t think mine had one, and as I’m an SEO rather than a designer, it would have been great to have!

Keep up the great work!

Gabriel Goldenberg


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