#47 BS Biz Mix – 7 Sept 2006 – Does Your Business Need a Mobile Phone Friendly Website?

by Tailored Podcast on September 7, 2006

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Does Your Business Need a Mobile Phone Friendly Website?

The practice of surfing the internet via mobile phone, or other mobile devices such as Blackberry, Palm Pilot, etc. is becoming more and more mainstream.

In the near future, businesses will have to seriously consider making sure their website is developed to be easily accessible via mobile devices.

As part of her ongoing quest to stay on top of new technology, Tina has recently attended a seminar about developing content for mobile phones. She explains how she expects mobile surfing in Australia to grow in the future, and some of the key issues to think about when considering whether or not creating mobile phone content is right for your business.

Links from the Show

As always, enjoy the show.

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 46



{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Ross Hill September 7, 2006 at 4:09 pm

The overriding problem in mobile content is the prohibitive cost. $1/megabyte? Get real. In America you can get a $25 mobile internet cap which has 2gigabytes on it! But, the telco’s can’t give us THAT deal because it would outshine their scammy $29 ‘broadband’ which only includes 200megabytes.

Who wants to overthrow the Big4 with me?


Tailored September 11, 2006 at 12:55 pm

The way I see it, the mobile phone content industry is similar to the web in 1994. The telco’s control the content ‘portals’ because they can, but it’s only a matter of time before the data costs and transfer speeds in Australia become more inline with overseas markets and then someone else comes along and provides a decent user search facility that can bypass the dismal array of content provided by the telco’s.

I think the telco’s will eventually have to waiver to consumer demand, even if it we have to do it one megabyte at a time!



Devon Wright September 13, 2006 at 6:09 am

With the mobile phones online in general it’s still back in 1994. How many mobile browsers are there? Last I heard there were dozens….and the only one I’d ever use is Opera (because I’ve heard others are happy with it).

Where we are we get $5/month for unlimited online access during the month. I don’t know how the download speeds are, though.

Another problem with mobile phone content is that every browser parses the code differently. This site shows a good example, however, the creator seems to be very pro-Opera (which I’m sure is why I’d want to use it).


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