Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show #17 – March 29, 2006

by Tailored Podcast on March 30, 2006

There are 2 ways to listen:

1. Use the player above to have the audio stream in now (it’s the one that says BS-Biz-Mix-2006-03-29)
2. Download the mp3 file below to play later, download to your mp3 player, etc

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 17

Show Notes:

We’ve started doing the show a little differently, as we’ve been getting quite a bit of feedback saying the show should be done more regularly.

So from now on, we will be breaking the usual three topics into three weekly episodes – to be released on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (or as close to those days as we can!) They’ll be around 10 minutes long each. But you know how we love to talk, so this today’s episode is about 12 minutes long.

Today’s topic is…. (drum roll)

How Helping Your Client or Prospect to Get Competitor Quotes Can Work in Your Favour

  • Introduction
  • How Helping Your Client or Prospect to Get Competitor Quotes Can Work in Your Favour – Brendon’s recent experience where he did just that, and the outcomes that he predicts.
  • A call for feedback
  • Thank you and goodbye

Stay tuned for Friday’s show where we talk about business lunches with clients – what to do and what not to do, and why lunch and a couple of beers with regular clients are a great idea.

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 17



{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Dave March 30, 2006 at 4:23 pm

Love it guys. I prefer shorter shows – great and interesting info as usual.


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