by Tailored Podcast on May 10, 2006
We’re currently editing the Chelsea McLean interview – will post that up in the morning – some great info from Chelsea.
From our survey:
“Question – do you rehearse the Podcasts? The conversations beween Brendan and Tina sound very natural, yet they flow in a logical manner. There never seems to be any awkward silences or fluffing of lines.”
Answer: No, we don’t rehearse the show beforehand. We spend 5-10 minutes discussing the topic and what direction we might go in. But to ensure the show does flow and does sound natural we simply go with the flow where it takes us at the time.
I’ve noticed that over time we’ve become much more fluent and think a little quicker on our feet.
by Tailored Podcast on May 9, 2006
Thanks so much for completing our survey for Tailored We are pleased to announce that the winner of the $50 voucher is Gary M. Congratulations Gary!
We thought you would all like to know the results of our survey, so we have summarized them for you.
How do you listen to the podcast?
- Via the player on 57.89%
- I download the show to iTunes/other RSS reader 28.95%
- I download the show to my iPod/mp3 player 31.58%
How often do you listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix?
- Rarely 2.63%
- Once a month 18.42%
- Once per week 50.00%
- Several times a week 31.58%
What do you like best about Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix?
- The conversation/dialogue between Brendon and Tina
- Use of real-life examples
- The business advice and “how to†tips.
- Good marketing advice, especially on networking.
- The new shorter format, 3 times a week.
What do you like least about the show?
- The opening music and introduction.
- You want more detail and less chit-chat.
- The new shorter format, 3 times a week.
Assuming the content remained interesting, how long would you like the podcast?
- 5 minutes 7.89%
- 10 minutes 39.47%
- 15 minutes 31.58%
- 20 minutes 36.84%
Your Ideas to Improve the Show
- More real-life examples
More detailed How To’s
- Guest interviews
- Create a show transcript
- More detailed marketing advice
- More website marketing topics
We also got a lot of encouraging comments telling us to keep up the good work. Thanks so much for that, it makes all the hard work worthwhile to know that you are enjoying our shows.
As a result of all your feedback, we are going to do the following:
- Create a new intro/outro
- Have guest interviewees on the show occasionally.
Include more detailed How To’s in our podcasts.
- Come up with more real-life examples for you. (We are very careful with the privacy of our clients’, so although we won’t always mention the names of the examples we use, we will try and include other examples of what we are talking about in the show notes so you can have a look.)
- Come up with more good stories for you.
- Include some more marketing and website marketing topics.
So stay tuned over the coming weeks for all of this, starting with our upcoming guest interviews. On Wednesday, we interview PR queen Chelsea McLean on how to get great publicity for your small or medium business.
On Friday we interview successful Web Developer and small business owner Billy Kirkley on how he has built a successful web development business.
Cheers eveybody,
by Tailored Podcast on May 8, 2006
There are 2 ways to listen:
1. Use the player above to have the audio stream in now (it’s the one that says BS-Biz-Mix-2006-05-08)
2. Download the mp3 file below to play later, download to your mp3 player, etc
Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 33
Show Notes:
The Value of Customer Surveys
We have had a fantastic response to our survey with some really useful feedback. Thanks everyone for your contribution so far. Today we share the tools we use to conduct our online surveys, as well as some useful tips on getting a good response. We also discuss what you should do after the survey, something which even more important than doing the survey. Most importantly, you need to let your surveyees know that you appreciate their feedback, and explain what action you will take as a result of the survey.
by Tailored Podcast on May 5, 2006
There are 2 ways to listen:
1. Use the player above to have the audio stream in now (it’s the one that says BS-Biz-Mix-2006-05-05)
2. Download the mp3 file below to play later, download to your mp3 player, etc
Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 32
Show Notes:
The Best Free SEO Resource on the Web
In SEO (search engine optimization) contests, webmasters compete to rank best on Google for a given (usually nonsense) keyword or keyword combination.
Following these contests is a great way to see how the best SEO experts go about SEO, and a good test of what really works to get your website to the top of the search engines.
One contest running at the moment is the contest for the term “V7ndotcom Elursrebmem”, and there are some great resources on both wikipedia and the contestants’ webpages that explain why the winners pages are ranking so well, and the steps they take to rank well. Best of all, most of the info is free!
Enjoy the show and don’t forget that we are running a survey on how we can improve this podcast. There is a $50 voucher to be won just for completing it.
Click Here to take the survey. It closes 12 midday May 9, 2006 Eastern Australia time.
Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 32

by Tailored Podcast on May 4, 2006
Next week we’ll be interviewing brilliant publicist Chelsea McLean.
Chelsea is one of my city’s leading boutique publicists and has done work for us before. Work that has simply blown away any result we’ve ever got from advertising.
We’re recording the interview on Wednesday so will post it on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning (depending on how long it will take to edit).
Chelsea has some fantastic tips for getting publicity for small to medium businesses with a tight budget – like they say in those cheesy commercials, if there is one interview you should listen to this year, it’s this one!
by Tailored Podcast on May 3, 2006
There are 2 ways to listen:
1. Use the player above to have the audio stream in now (it’s the one that says BS-Biz-Mix-2006-05-03)
2. Download the mp3 file below to play later, download to your mp3 player, etc
Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 31
Show Notes:
Asking the Right Questions
Today’s show is about how asking the right questions can help you negotiate business deals and help you provide better solutions to your customers, as well as help you with a whole range of other situations you may come across. We also have some great examples of how not asking the right questions can lead to some pretty tricky situations.
Enjoy the show and don’t forget that we are running a survey on how we can improve this podcast. There is a $50 voucher to be won just for completing it.
Click Here to take the survey. It closes 12 midday May 9, 2006 Eastern Australia time.
Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 31

by Tailored Podcast on May 2, 2006
Simply take our quick survey and fill out your name & email details to enter.
We’ll use your answers to improve the podcast.
Click Here to take the survey.
Gotta be in it to win it 🙂 Competition closes at 12 midday May 9, 2006 Eastern Australia time.

by Tailored Podcast on May 2, 2006
by Tailored Podcast on April 26, 2006
by Tailored Podcast on April 24, 2006